Saturday, November 30, 2019
Supervision scenarios free essay sample
In the first supervision scenario there is an example of patient’s noncompliance with MDs protocol. The orthopedic MD should be contacted by PT prior to initiation of exercises to verify for any protocol adjustments. Since this case involves stretching that requires continuous examination and evaluation throughout the intervention it’s required to be performed exclusively by the physical therapist as stated in APTA Guidelines: â€Å"The physical therapist’s scope of practice as defined by the American Physical Therapy Association Guide to Physical Therapist Practice includes interventions performed by physical therapists. These interventions include procedures performed exclusively by physical therapists and selected interventions that can be performed by the physical therapist assistant under the direction and supervision of the physical therapist. Interventions that require immediate and continuous examination and evaluation throughout the intervention are performed exclusively by the physical therapist. †[1] However ATCs are trained and allowed to perform stretching for athletes since it’s part of athletic rehabilitation as supported by Illinois Athletic Trainers Practice Act: â€Å"[†¦] H. We will write a custom essay sample on Supervision scenarios or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Provision of on-site injury care and evaluation as well as appropriate transportation, follow-up treatment and rehabilitation as necessary for all injuries sustained by athletes in the program. †[2] Assignment #3 Supervision Scenario Case #1 I think the intervention could be delegated to ATC since Illinois Athletic Trainers Practice Act supports that. However according to APTA Guidelines for supervision of support personnel it should be performed under direct personal supervision as stated: â€Å"Physical therapy aides are any support personnel who perform designated tasks related to the operation of the physical therapy service. [†¦] Direct personal supervision requires that the physical therapist, or where allowable by law, the physical therapist assistant, be physically present and immediately available to direct and supervise tasks that are related to patient/client management. The direction and supervision is continuous throughout the time these tasks are performed. The physical therapist or physical therapist assistant must have direct contact with the patient/client during each session. †[3] Reference: 1. (PROCEDURAL INTERVENTIONS EXCLUSIVELY PERFORMED BY PHYSICAL THERAPISTS HOD P06-00-30-36). 2. (225 ILCS 5/) Illinois Athletic Trainers Practice Act 3. (PROVISION OF PHYSICAL THERAPY INTERVENTIONS AND RELATED TASKS HOD P06-00-17-28 [Amended 06-99-10-12] Assignment #3 Supervision Scenario Case #2 In the second supervision scenario PT made mistakes by not verifying pt’s medical Hx and WB status with MD’s office or hospital and not being specific with type of hip replacement done prior to developing appropriate plan of care. A physical therapist may delegate a patient to a physical therapist assistant as long as at least general supervision occurs. In Illinois practice act we ca read: â€Å"A licensed physical therapist shall be accessible by telephone to the physical therapist assistant at all times while the physical therapist assistant is treating patients†[1]. However the major mistake made by the PT that could prevent THR complications is lack of the required supervisory visit as stated: â€Å" On-site supervision shall take place every four to six visits [†¦] The supervisory visit shall include a complete on-site functional assessment, an on-site review of activities with appropriate revision of treatment plan, and an assessment of the utilization of outside resources. †[1] Also APTA Guidelines support that: â€Å"[†¦] a supervisory visit by the physical therapist will be made: b. At least once a month, or at a higher frequency when established by the physical therapist, in accordance with the needs of the patient/client. c. A supervisory visit should include: i. An on-site reexamination of the patient/client. ii. On-site review of the plan of care with appropriate revision or termination. iii. Evaluation of need and recommendation for utilization of outside resources. †[2] Assignment #3 Supervision Scenario Case #2 At the same time the PTA observing the patient condition should have reported it to the PT : â€Å"The physical therapist assistant shall: Observe patients progress and response to treatment, and report to the physical therapist. †[1] Also, per APTA Guidelines : â€Å"In those situations in which a physical therapist assistant is involved in the care of a patient/client, a supervisory visit by the physical therapist will be made: a. Upon the physical therapist assistants request for a reexamination, when a change in the plan of care is needed, prior to any planned discharge, and in response to a change in the patient’s/client’s medical status. †[2]
Monday, November 25, 2019
Get Organized for Graduate School
Get Organized for Graduate School Graduate students- and faculty- often find themselves overwhelmed with tasks. Good time management skills are essential, but succeeding in graduate school requires the ability to organize more than your time. Being unorganized- not knowing where your stuff is- is a time waster. The unorganized student spends precious time searching for papers, files, notes, wondering which pile to check first. She forgets and misses meetings or arrives late, repeatedly. He finds it hard to focus on the task at hand because his mind is swimming what the details of what must be done next or what should have been done yesterday. An unorganized office or home is a sign of a cluttered mind. Cluttered minds are inefficient for scholarly productivity. So how do you get organized? 1. Set up a Filing System Go digital when you can, but dont forget to organize your paper files, too. Dont skimp on file folders or youll find yourself doubling up on files and lose track of your most important papers. Whenever possible, go digital (with a good backup system!). Maintain files for: Research/thesis ideas.Thesis references (probably divided up into additional files for each topic).Exam materials. As you prepare for comps, will have copies of old exams, study materialsProfessional credentials - vita, sample cover letter, research statement etc.Reprints and professional articles, organized by topic.Life (bills, taxes, etc.).Teaching materials (organized by topic). 3. Acquire and Use Office Supplies Though supplies can be expensive, its easier to get organized when youve got the right tools. Purchase a quality stapler, paper clips, binder clips, stick on notes in several sizes, sticky flags for marking important pages in texts, etc. Go to a supply store and purchase office supplies in bulk to maximize savings and to be sure that you dont unexpectedly run out of supplies. 4. Organize Class Materials Some students use binders to organize class notes, with dividers to separate your notes from assigned readings, handouts, and other materials. Other students keep all of their class materials on their laptop and use software such as OneNote or Evernote to save and index their notes. 5. Remove Clutter at Home and Organize Your Study Space Sure youre desk and study area should be neat. Its also helpful to keep track of the rest of your home too. Why? School is overwhelming enough without worrying about whether you have clean clothes, differentiating between the cat and dust bunnies, or losing unpaid bills. Set up a command center near the entrance to your home. Have a bowl or spot for you to put your keys and empty your pockets of important materials. Have another spot for your bills. Each day as you open your mail sort it into stuff to throw out and bills and other materials that require action. Additionally, make sure you have a dedicated space to work in your home. It should be free of distractions, well lit, and have all supplies and files nearby. Even if your living space is small or shared, be sure to designate a portion to your graduate studies. 6. Create a Schedule for Household Tasks Set up a schedule for accomplishing household tasks like laundry and cleaning. Break cleaning up into smaller tasks, by room. So you might clean the bathroom on Tuesday and Saturday, clean the bedroom on Wednesday and Sunday, and the living room on Thursday and Monday. Clean the kitchen weekly then spend a few minutes each day on it. Use the timer trick to keep on task while youre cleaning and show you how much you can do in just a little time. For example, Im amazed that I can clear out the dishwasher and wipe down the countertops in 4 minutes! 7. Dont Forget the To-Do List Your to-do list is your friend. These simple tips can make a difference in your life. From my own experience as an academic, I can attest that these simple habits, though challenging to set, make it much easier to make it through the semester and maintain efficiency and productivity.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Causes of Unrest in Middle East and North Africa
Causes of Unrest in Middle East and North Africa Historians and philosophers, political scientists, economists, and sociologists are trying to identify the root causes of social unrest and their implications in the Arab countries of the Middle East and North Africa in the end of the first and the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century. There are quite a lot of factors serving as the foundation for social unrest in the ME and NA. They are both objective and subjective. The bases of social revolutions are mainly domestic factors, though not without external assumptions. The root causes of the revolutionary upheavals in the Arab world and the Middle East and North African crisis lie in the limited model of modernization, which has led to a disproportionate, extensive and slow development of the region. [1] In January 2014, the Arab world has noted the fourth anniversary of the event, which journalists dubbed as the â€Å"Arab Spring â€Å". Indeed, at first, the world started to witness â€Å"iconic†events occur ring in the region, where the resignation of Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, who ruled the country since 1987, on January 14 2011, launched the cascade known as the domino effect. Later, on the 11th of February 2011 the fall of Tunisian president was followed by the most sensational resignation of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, who ruled the country since 1981. In combination with the removal of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi (who ruled from 1969) on the 20th of October 2011, events of the â€Å"Arab Spring†began to be perceived and interpreted as signs of radical changes in the entire Arab region, and more broadly within the whole Islamic World [1] . The nomination of main slogans demanding the democratisation of public institutions of government had a dual effect on the countries of the region. Firstly, the â€Å"spring tide†having swept away a number of Middle Eastern regimes, still failed to overthrow the most powerful outposts of authoritarianism w ithin the region [2] . These authoritarian outposts are personified by Arab Monarchies of the Persian Gulf [3] , who happen to be traditional allies of the USA. Reluctance to initiate the reforms for the liberalisation of the regime led to them being discredited in the eyes of the global community as well as the indigenous peoples of the region. And secondly, the events of the last decade, beginning with the US invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq [4] have led, in combination with crisis of power in Egypt and Syria, to the elimination of the political culture and institutions of the Middle East, by knocking out the traditional â€Å"heavyweights†of the Middle East: Iraq, Egypt and Syria. All of these events together resulted in the emergence of activity of those labelled as â€Å"outsiders†by the Arab world. These non-Arab â€Å"outsiders†are primarily Iran and Turkey. The failure of the revolutions to lay foundation for new Political, Economic and Social instit utions has been replaced by simple â€Å"reshuffling of spheres of power and influence. And in Iran, a â€Å"green movement†has been chosen as an alternative path [5] . Throughout the course of the revolution, there were strong expectations that the Middle East was entering a period of democratic development [6] , which was said to achieve all of the attributes of a free civil society, which had for so many years existed in Western countries. However, further advancement of the situation in the region has led to an increase in the influence of supporters of critical perception of the nature and probable consequences of this rebellious movement not only for countries of that region, but also for the whole system of modern international relations. Western experts have increasingly highlighted the ambiguity of this phenomenon for the fate of the entire region, by agreeing on the fundamental reshaping of the entire system of â€Å"balance of forces†. This choir is partic ularly dominated by the notable work of Efraim Inbar, an Israeli expert and his work â€Å"The Arab uprisings and national safety of Israel.†According to Inbar, all what is happening in the region, will not deliver any positive outcomes in terms of stability and regional security†[7] . Despite the secular influence of Western culture, none of the Arab States managed to build a stable, democratic society, based on the ideas of civil liberties, political rights, a system of universal education, gender equality and economic development. The â€Å"democratic†elections in Lebanon in 2005 and Palestine in 2009 brought to power of the Islamists, indicating that the imperfection of the civil society in the Arab world. The most dangerous version of the situation under the influence of the â€Å"Arab Spring†and according to Inbar, there will be an emergence of nuclear Iran, who may ultimately win some time to complete work on its nuclear program and put the globa l community fait accompli. This may result in a â€Å"chain reaction†when other countries region will aim to commence the development of their own nuclear programs, seriously complicating the national security of Israel, which as of now is the only nuclear Power in the conflict-laden region. Activation of Iran on the foreign policy arena after the uprisings is not accidental. Behind its activation lies the influx of huge amounts of Petrodollars, rising anti-American sentiment in the region caused by frankly failed policies of the United States, the rise to power of an ambitious and eccentric leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran’s implementation of its own â€Å"nuclear program†, which turned into a personification of Iran’s power revival [8] . Hence the interest of specialists and politicians on foreign policy doctrine of modern Iran, where it states that it is based not on the principles of national interest but rather the principle of Islamic solidarity, r ooted in the teachings of Imam Khomeini, in relation to the Islamic revolution. Thus, consideration of ideological concepts of Imam Khomeini in interpreting the current leader of the Islamic Revolution (Rahbar) Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, should help understanding and explaining the steps taken by Iran during the reign of the current President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad [9] . The analysis of these concepts will help to forecast future foreign policy initiatives of Iran with its aim to resolve the intra-regional problems.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Performance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Performance - Essay Example The changing demands of performance on employees in high- velocity companies, perceptions of equity in its three forms may become confused, as job roles and job interdependence become more varied and flexible. Since employees would expect that as their job changes, so will their compensations, designing compensation systems in high-velocity environments presents a major challenge to organisations. In high-velocity environments, a premium is placed on individuals who are able to operate in ambiguous circumstances and who are able to take advantage of loose job descriptions provided by their employers (Bratton and Gold, 2003). Organisations in high-velocity environments such as in the international marketplace are willing to pay proportionally higher salaries to individuals who have such skills. It is expected therefore, that emphasis on individually equitable compensations as a means of recruiting and retaining highly capable employees would be required (Beardwell, Holden and Claydon, 2004). Employee Compensation can be one of the greatest foundations of control available to a company in its quest
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Human resource management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1
Human resource management - Essay Example Recruitment and selection Hiring and firing forms one of the basic and core functions of HR practitioners. It mainly deals with identifying potential applicants for present as well as future openings. They are also involved in assessment and evaluation so that efficient placement and selection decisions are made. Establishing procedures and policies for recruitment and hiring in another area dealt with the HR managers in an organization (Tyson, 1995). 2. Benefits and compensation The second core function handled by HR department is compensation and benefits management. Their job is providing a rational method for determination of right payment for right jobs. Since it is a critical component of the business, the function is entirely managed by HR managers. It is also related to employee development and incentive program. 3. Training and development Training and development is another vital function in an organization. The HR practitioners are involved in creating training and develop ment programs which are aimed at solving issues such as employee performance, skills enhancement, increasing expertise and overall personality etc (Chan and Scott-Ladd, 2004). HR managers have special expertise in program evaluation and unlike other managers; they are able to utilize employee feedback in a better manner. Training and development is an important function which assures that employees are capable of job performance at acceptable levels (Nasiripour and Kazemi, 2012). 4. Performance management Performance management is the ability to effectively manage the overall performance of employees in an organization. Implementation and establishment of a complete performance management program is an essential function. Designing the process, reviewing, maintaining and effective monitoring is a challenging task and requires expertise. Coaching managers about the use and implementation of performance management programs is also an essential function of the HR team (Hughes and Rog, 2008). Literature The current business environment is dominated by globalization and internationalization. Organizations have become multinational and cross-cultural teams are common in firms. The current challenge of HR practitioners is to create new strategies and meet the ever increasing expectations and challenges as a result of the continuous evolution. They are also expected to create and add value to the organization. In the following sections external and internal factors and their effect on the overall HR functions will be discussed. Influence of external factors on HR functions Political In political terms, the external factors which can influence the work of HR practitioners as well as HRM functions are trade unions. Trade unions are officially recognized employee associations, joined together as a collective and united front voice in order to deal with management issues. The objective behind these trade unions is to secure the economic and social interest and well-being of the members of the organizations. Since trade unions become an additional party in relationship between employees and the company, they are considered as external influencing factors (Jackson and Schuler, 1995).Various laws are associated with union laws. Trade unions affect the HR laws and functions in various ways. Management has less flexibility and discretion while administering and implementing HR procedures, policies and practices while communicating with unionized
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The novel Frankenstein Essay Example for Free
The novel Frankenstein Essay In chapter fifteen, just before the ceremony the commander reads several extracts from the bible. The Bible the Commander reads from is locked in a brass bound leather box; this is a practice that was widespread during the Dark Ages. The Commander reads selected sections of the Bible that could be used to support the Ceremony and the role of the Handmaids. Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth Give me children, or else I dies Behold my maid Bilhah. She shall bear upon my knees that I may also have children by her. The Commander reads numerous sections from the book of Genesis and also an extract from Zechariah. Much like the censored television broadcasts the Commander is limiting the truth. The sections chosen have been picked to support the idea of handmaids. The commander has decided to ignore such things as the Ten Commandments, in which one them is thou shalt not commit adultery but abuses the bible for his own cause. Offred discovers a cushion with the word FAITH on it, as reading is banned the cushion should not be allowed in Offreds room. In chapter nineteen Offred considers that her FAITH cushion would have been a set of three. There must have been three once. HOPE and CHARITY, where have they been stowed? This is a direct reference to I Corinthians 13:13 So faith, hope, love; abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love. The cushion is a very significant symbol in the book as it represents the fact that Offred has been denied hope and love but is told that she must have faith. Hope and love are what Offred thrives for, however she has very little hope, apart from the faintest of belief that her husband and daughter are still alive. In chapter twenty-one a handmaid named Janine (or Ofwarren) gives birth, there are numerous religious implications leading up and during the birth. In chapter nineteen Offred describes to the reader how anaesthetics and caesareans are no longer a part of childbirth, but how in a society based on religion women are supposed to feel the pain of childbirth. Aunt Elizabeth said it was better for the baby, but also: I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children. Gilead has obviously dismissed medicine and science, probably because they can be used as arguments against the existence of God. Despite the technology being available Gilead dismisses it using Gods punishment on Eve as evidence to dismiss science rather than science dismissing religion. In chapter twenty-one when Janine gives birth she is required to deliver the child on a two-tiered birthing stool, so that she can fulfil the biblical practice of the maid giving birth on the knees of the wife. Two others lead Janine to the birthing stool, where she sits on the lower of two seats. The other seat is for the commanders wife who sits above Janine and acts as if she is the one giving birth. Gilead demonstrates a total lack of tolerance for other religions, not only do they battle with other branches of Christianity, but in chapter thirty-one we see how they react to other religions. Gilead justifies deporting Jews by claiming they are sons of Jacob and therefore special the reader learns about how Jews were given the choice to emigrate or to convert. The reader is also told how people who pretend to convert are treated raids at night, secret hoards of Jewish things dragged out from under beds and hung for their beliefs. Gilead is a completely totalitarian society that mirrors many of the fascist views held by the Nazis. It is odd that this society should choose to make an example of Jews though, considering their own religion is based on the Jewish faith and many of the extracts they use to govern come from the old testament. However, Jews dont take obscure references from the Old Testament as literally as the powers in Gilead, and it is likely that an alternative faith was deemed threatening. Atwood uses religion to its greatest possible literary power by exploiting it and demonstrating what the reader doesnt think would ever be possible. Religion is at the core of Gilead and appears to be all that is left of America. The wars between branches of Christianity mirror the problems in Northern Ireland and numerous references mirror Gilead society with the Nazi regime. Atwood portrays religion as something very powerful; it is so powerful that it is able to govern an entire country. However a country governed by the bibles teaching sounds like something of a utopia, Atwood chooses to display how religion can be abused, twisted and altered to suit individuals and suppress others. The Handmaids Tale doesnt seem too far fetched, the reader would be familiar with religion being abused, in fact the historical notes refer to one of Professor Pieixotos famous studies Iran and Gilead: Two Late-Twentieth-Century Monotheocracies, as Seen Through Diaries. Linking Gilead with Irans conservative Islamic revolution, something the reader may be familiar with. The conservative Islamic revolution involved de-modernization and severe restrictions on the freedoms of women, just like Gilead.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Europes Software Patent Law Essay -- Patenting Economics Essays
Europe's Software Patent Law Today in Europe, the issue of software patentability is a heated and controversial topic amongst the software industry. Currently Europe’s software patent law is unclear and inconsistent. There has been a wide spread effort by major players in Europe’s software industry and governmental bodies to try to formalize and disambiguate the law on the patentability of software. But up to know there has been very little progress in the formalization of this law. What has resulted is an ongoing controversy amongst the Europeans. Proponents of software patenting have been calling for an extension of the scope of software patenting. However, its opponents have been calling for a drastic reduction of what should be patentable software. We begin our discussion with the roots of how patent law came to be in Europe and then focus our attention to the current law of software patentability. We then turn to a current controversial issue in Europe’s software industry and then get key ethical perspectives on this issue. We then finish up with my defense on particular position of a proposed ethical issue on the current software patent law. Established by the Convention on the Grant of European Patents (EPC) in 1973, the European Patent Organization was created to establish a uniform patent system in Europe. The European Patent Organization is an intergovernmental body setup by the EPC1, its members are made up of contracting states of the European Union (EU) including the United Kingdom, Germany, and France to name a few. The executive arm of the European Patent Organization is the European Patent Office (EPO) whose function is to grant European patents to each of its contracting states. The administrat...,1283,37721,00.html 3.Donald, James A.,"The American Revolution - an HTML project," Locke's Second Treatise (Chap V) On Property, 1997, 4.Duke L. & Tech., SOFTWARE PATENT LAW: UNITED STATES AND EUROPE COMPARED, 2003, 5.European Patent Office, The European Office, 2003, 6.European Software Patent Horror Gallery, European Software Patent Horror Gallery, 2003> 7.Spinello, â€Å"Frameworks for Ethical Analysis,†Chapter 2 of Ethical Aspects of Information Technology, Prentice Hall, 8.The Patent Office, The UK Patent Office, 2003,
Monday, November 11, 2019
Panera Bread Case Analysis
Panera Bread Company is a leader in the easy casual restaurant industry with multiple cafà ©-bakeries located in 36 states, of the United States. Panera operates under the banner of Panera and Saint Louis Bread Company. Almost 400 of its 1,027 bakeries are company-operated and the remainders are franchisees. Panera Bread’s core competencies are in their market niche, offering a premium specialty bakery and cafà © experience to suburban and urban residents. Penera’s focus is offering their customers with better than their rivals, making the dining experience so attractive to their customers will pass up their competitors in outlets of other easy casual restaurants to dine at the nearest Panera Bread A strategic issues is substitutes and threats of substitutes in Penear Bread Company’s distinctive competencies, their menu. Penera’s menu is being substituted by new rivals. New restaurant chains, in fast-casual and other categories are becoming more competitively fierce and are drawing customers by imitating Panera’s menus at a lower cost. To address this strategic issue, I recommend Panera to employ an offensive strategy to increase sales during prime times such as lunch and dinner, continue to be more innovative by implementing in-depth surveys to customers, employees, via text messages, e-mails, etc., and execute a plan for managers to manage by walking around (MBWA) communicating and listening to employees and customers. Example, this technique has worked successfully for companies like Wal-Mart who have been very successful in using the (MBWA) strategy. This will draw and boost their customer base giving them a sustainable competitive advantage.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Learning Team Reflection Essay
There are several factors to consider when contemplating a potential lawsuit or settlement. As a person who is not trained in the law, it is important to seek counsel before making any decisions. Counsel can provide professional guidance in a field that a victim may be unfamiliar with. To attempt to navigate though the legal system without professional help would be confusing and frustrating. There are alternatives to litigation that some people may not be aware of. A professional in the law can give guidance and perspective as to which is the best route to take. One must consider the time involved in litigation. Cheeseman (2010) stated, â€Å"A trial can last less than one day to many months, depending on the type and complexity of the case†(p. 41). Also, a consideration must be the costs involved. It can be extremely costly to obtain counsel, although it may be wise to invest in legal representation. Counsel will be able to provide you the statue of limitations so that you know how long you are eligible to seek damages. Additionally, counsel will provide you realistic picture of the benefits and/or risks of going to trial or settling. Counsel would be able to explain the intricacies regarding a trial and provide a relative timeframe. Most people are unaware of the details and involvement of going to trial. In many cases it is in the best interest of both the injured party and the accused to seek a resolution outside of court. According to Cheeseman (2010), â€Å"More than 95 percent of all cases are settled before they go to trial†(p. 40). A victim may feel compelled to go to court, when counsel may know that a trial may not provide a favorable outcome. Counsel would need to be available as already discussed to decide whether litigation is the way to go. Once the decision had been made to pursue the issue legally, the appropriate legal representation would have to be found. The type of counsel would depend on the type of case. There are several specialties in law and finding the best person to represent you is crucial. You would not ask a lawyer that specializes in real estate to represent you in a wrongful death suit. If possible, legal representation should be made available before the decision to seek legal action is decided on. A lawyer is there to provide professional advice, but they cannot force you to make a decision one way or the other. Two main intentional torts that should seek council especially if there were bodily injury to the person or persons are assault and battery. Cheeseman (2010) stated, â€Å"Assault is (1) the threat of immediate harm or offensive contact or (2) any action that arouses reasonable apprehensio n of imminent harm†(p. 75). The threat to the life of an individual or offensive contact are two very good reasons to seek counsel for either monetary charges such as paying medical bills from the harmful contact or seeking restraining orders to prevent such contact form occurring. Cheeseman (2010) stated, â€Å"Battery is unauthorized and harmful or offensive physical contact with another person that causes injury. Basically, the interest protected here is each person’s reasonable sense of dignity and safety†(p 75). The other tort situation that should seek legal counsel are strict or product liability cases. Cheeseman (2010) stated, â€Å"That is, a participant in a covered activity will be held liable for any injuries caused by the activity, even if he or she was not negligent†(p. 89). To clarify further Cheeseman (2010) stated, â€Å"This doctrine holds that (1) there are certain activities that can place the public at risk of injury even if reasonable care is taken and (2) the public should have some means of compensation if such injury occurs†(p. 89). These cases either involve wrongdoing to the individual that usually ends in harm or death. If a product malfunctions which hurts the consumer or shorts out and the consumer dies are both reasons legal counsel should be involved. Again, legal counsel should specialize in the area that you need representing and the monetary costs of acquiring counsel should be researched before hiring them to represent your case. Seeking legal council is prudent in helping a victim understand their choices. There are situations when there is not enough evidence or legal grounds for any form of legal action, and legal council can provide that information. The proper and professional legal guidance can help a victim recover losses and damages. References: Cheeseman, H. R. (2010). Business law: Legal environment, online commerce, business ethics, and international issues (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Acid Rain Essays - Inorganic Solvents, Acid Rain, Free Essays
Acid Rain Essays - Inorganic Solvents, Acid Rain, Free Essays Acid Rain Introduction: What Causes Acid Rain? One of the main causes of acid rain is sulfur dioxide. Natural sources, which emit this gas, are Volcanoes, sea spray, rotting vegetation and plankton. However, the burning of fossil fuels, such as Coal and oil, are largely to be blamed for approximately half of the emissions of this gas in the world. When sulfur dioxide reaches the atmosphere, it oxidizes to first form a sulfate ion. It then Becomes sulfuric acid as it joins with hydrogen atoms in the air and falls back down to earth. Oxidation occurs the most in clouds and especially in heavily polluted air where other compounds such as ammonia and ozone help to catalyze the reaction, changing more sulfur dioxide to sulfuric acid. However, not all of the sulphur dioxide is changed to sulfuric acid. In fact, a substantial amount can float up into the atmosphere, move over to another area and return to earth unconverted. In the following pages I will show the effects of acid rain on: Effect on Trees and Soils Effect on Lakes and Aquatic Systems Effect on Materials Effect on Atmosphere Effect on Architecture Effect on Humans Effect on Trees and Soils One of the most serious impacts of acid precipitation is on forests and soils. Great damage is done when sulfuric acid falls onto the earth as rain. Nutrients present in the soils are washed away. Aluminium also present in the soil is freed and the roots of trees can absorb this toxic element. Thus, the trees are starved to death as they are deprived of their vital nutrients such as calcium and magnesium. Not all of the sulphur dioxide is converted to sulfuric acid. In fact, a substantial amount can float into the atmosphere, move over to another area and return to the soils unconverted. As this gas returns back to earth, it clogs up the stomata in the leaves, thus hindering photosynthesis. Research has been made where red spruce seedlings were sprayed with different combinations of sulfuric and nitric acid of pH ranging from 2.5 to 4.5. The needles of these seedlings were observed to develop brown lesions. Eventually, the needles fall off. It was also found that new needles grew more slowly at higher concentrations of acid used. Because the rate at which the needles were falling was greater than the rate at which they were replenished, photosynthesis was greatly affected, The actual way in which these needles were killed is still not yet known. However, studies have shown that calcium and magnesium nutrients are washed away from their binding sites when sulfuric acid enters the system. They are replaced by useless hydrogen atoms and this inhibits photosynthesis. Effect on Lakes and Aquatic Systems One of the direct effects of acid rain is on lakes and its aquatic ecosystems. There are several routes through which acidic chemicals can enter the lakes. Some chemical substances exist as dry particles in the air while others enter the lakes as wet particles such as rain, snow, sleet, hail, dew or fog. In addition, lakes can almost be thought of as the sinks of the earth, where rain that falls on land is drained through the sewage systems eventually make their way into the lakes. Acid rain that falls onto the earth washes off the nutrients out of the soil and carries toxic metals that have been released from the soil into the lakes. Another harmful way in which acids can enter the lakes is spring acid shock. When snow melts in spring rapidly due to a sudden temperature change, the acids and chemicals in the snow are released into the soils. The melted snow then runs off to streams and rivers, and gradually make their way into the lakes. The introduction of these acids and chemicals into the lakes causes a sudden drastic change in the pH of the lakes - hence the term spring acid shock. The aquatic ecosystem has no time to adjust to the sudden change. In addition, springtime is an especially vulnerable time for many aquatic species since this is the time for reproduction for amphibians, fish and insects. Many of these species lay their eggs in the water to hatch. The sudden pH change is dangerous because the acids can cause serious deformities in their young or even annihilate the whole species since the young of many of such species spend a significant part of their life cycle in
Monday, November 4, 2019
The Example of How Humans Have Fallen into the Pattern of Elucidation Research Paper
The Example of How Humans Have Fallen into the Pattern of Elucidation and War - Research Paper Example Looking at the complicity of the churches, we see that from several different perspectives from a religion and culture student that, even with careful, honest and sensitive approaches, the role of the church in the genocide is still evident. One of the bases on which the latter can be approached is from a cultural view. Despite the fact that the two major ethnic groups were getting along well before the colonialists and missionaries in terms of the cultures and their ways of life, the influence of priests in the uproar of genocide is evident. An example of the above is that during the times, the priests presented themselves as ethnic-based which was one of the major catalysts for the genocide. In addition, the churches at that time allowed the priests to preach ethnic-hatred to the people. Some of the sources also say that the nuns and the nuns and the priests were also involved in the killing of the Tutsis. One of the hardest things to determine with regard to this issue is whether the leaders of the Roman Catholic and Anglican church leaders were informed about the issue and whether they got involved or simply decided to ignore the issue. With the views that have been expressed about the role of the church, one of the things that I can establish as a religious student is that the clergy did not follow what they preach. A conclusion about the role that the church played in the genocide can be easily arrived at that, looking at the way that the course stood by the values that it preached before the genocide and what they preached towards the genocide, there must have been some political influence.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Report on Apple Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Report on Apple Company - Essay Example The company has been successful in the recent years and has even managed to attain leadership in the global market. Among other factors, the successful performance of the company has been driven by its efficient business and marketing strategies. This paper suggests that the company’s business and marketing strategies are also going to influence its performance in the future. Therefore, by addressing the current business and marketing strategies, a potential investor can have a clear picture of the company and can apply the information in making an effective decision on whether to invest in it or not. The business strategies addressed in the paper that are adopted by Apple are product development and product proliferation approaches. The marketing strategies addressed are Apple’s segmentation, target market and positioning strategies as well as the company’s marketing mix. Based on the analysis, Miguel and his co-workers can make wise decisions on whether their c ompany, Tech-Shield, should invest in Apple Inc. Table of Contents Summary ii Table of Contents iii Apple Inc. 1 1.0 Background 1 2.0 Business Strategy 1 Figure 1.0 Use of iTunes 2 Figure 2.0 Some of Apple’s innovative products 3 3.0 Market Strategy 5 3.1 Segmentation, Target Market and Positioning 5 3.2 Marketing Mix 6 3.2.1 Product 6 3.2.2 Price 7 3.2.3 Place 8 3.2.4 Promotion 8 Figure 3.0 Strategy of Promotions 9 4.0 Summary of SWOT Analysis 9 Table 1.0 Apple’s SWOT Analysis 9 5.0 Conclusion 10 6.0 Work cited 12 List of Figures Figure 1.0 Use of iTunes 2 Figure 2.0 Some of Apple’s innovative products 3 Figure 3.0 Strategy of Promotions 9 List of Tables Table 1.0 Apple’s SWOT Analysis 9 Apple Inc. 1.0 Background Apple Inc. is a leading multinational corporation that produces computers, computer software, commercial servers and consumer electronics. Headquartered in Cupertino, California, Apple was founded in 1979 by Steve Jobs and his colleagues. The co mpany has developed a huge portfolio of products, which have successfully penetrated the global market, such as Mac line of computers, iPhone series, iPad series and iPod series among others (Lamido, 2013). Apple Inc. operates in a highly competitive market comprising of well-established manufacturers of consumer accessories and electronics, such as IBM, HP, Dell, Microsoft, Toshiba, Samsung, Nokia, LG and Google. Arguably, the high level of competition has prompted Apple Inc. to intensify its business and marketing efforts in the recent years. Among other efforts, the company’s efficient business and marketing strategies have steered at to attain leadership in the global market (Katie, 1). Arguably, any factor that may influence the performance of an organization in the future is of fundamental interest to potential investors. This paper addresses the business and marketing strategies of Apple as the principal among the factors that will influence its performance in the futu re. The paper aims at giving a clear picture of the performance of Apple in the two areas to Miguel and his co-workers so that they can make a wise decision on whether their company, Tech-Shield, should invest in Apple Inc. 2.0 Business Strategy Apple Inc. has been using a combination of product development and product proliferation strategies to gain a competitive edge in the global market (Besanko, Dranove and Shanron, 47). Product development refers to the process of innovating new or better products or services to replace old ones (O’Grady, 37). Apple has attained leadership in its target market mainly through continuous innovation of unique products. Apple created iPods and iTunes and by 2003, it had made them available in Microsoft Windows version. Consequently, demand for these products skyrocketed and propelled the revenue for the company to
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