Thursday, October 31, 2019
Pedagogical Principles for Teaching and Learning Coursework
Pedagogical Principles for Teaching and Learning - Coursework Example To some children it might be their first experience in a group setting although to other who possibly might have attended toddler groups, day care, or even home setting but with a childminder to name but a few, it might be a continuation of a group experience. Whichever the case, a practitioner is an important person in a child’s learning at this stage. A practitioner in this case might include a teacher, health visitor, portage workers, speech therapist, or a district nurses among other cadres along those lines. Practitioners play a very important role in the children learning and should therefore draw on a range of teaching strategies and child development knowledge. If anything children deepen their knowledge through playing, planning, observing, questioning, testing, experimenting, reflecting, repeating, and reacting to adults and also to each other. In this case, practitioners ought to plan the highest quality learning experiences, putting into consideration the learning needs and achievements of the children and the scope of their learning experiences that will enable them progress. ... There are a number of important lessons that should be leant from plays as far as childhood education is concerned. Play should be child-centered where the teacher sets the activities, but also allows children to explore and engage in the tasks making up these plays in order to develop their learning, if anything, learning is not always about setting out tasks but most importantly, making sure that children have developed these tasks or seeing whether they have met the learning objectives as set-out by the practitioner as part of the learning process. This has been reinforced by Fromberg (2002), when he points out that when a teacher asks children to do a task with them, they automatically label this as an activity. This therefore shows just how important it is for a practitioner to strike a balance between play and tasks for children. It is important for the practitioners not to separate pedagogy, learning and behavior through play, but to integrate this into a curriculum, as adult intervention is important as organized play places a great contribution to children’s learning and development. The quality of adult interaction in planning children’s play and organizing the play environment all has a part in the contribution towards children’s learning and in enabling them to learn how to function successfully within and out of the classroom environment (Samuelsson & Carlsson 2008). This adult intervention is particularly important in that it establishes the children’s relationships with children while planning the both the learning environment and the curriculum. It is also the role of childhood education practitioner to not only support but also extend children play, learning and development, while assessing their
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Examine the factors that led to the formation of the first Labour Essay
Examine the factors that led to the formation of the first Labour Government in 1924 - Essay Example While the MacDonald government was transitory, the first labor government was a vital sign of the achievements of Labor since its establishment as the Labor Representation Committee. First labor government was an essential landmark by which the Party could evaluate its advancement and policies. The party could also improve its administrative skills and approaches for the future. The first labor government substantiated its ability to govern (Murphy1946 p. 530). It is necessary to discuss some of the reasons why the first Labor Government was created in 1924. The platform used by the Conservative Party to win previous elections was reducing the rate of unemployment. The British waited for the formulation and implementation of the necessary strategies. However, the rate of unemployment became serious after Conservative Party came into power. According to Daleand Iain (45), the number of people who were not employed before Conservative Party came to power was 1,153,600. Within ten months of their rule, the figure increased to 1,198,800 (Dale and Iain 45). The rate of unemployment was still increasing when the survey was being conducted. During this time, the wages decreased in Britain by close to a third. The policy introduced by Conservative Party to address this important question was indecisive. There was nothing new and operational that the government had done. In addition, the party had not kept their electoral pledges and promises yet the country was preparing for another election. Consequently, the first labor government had to solv e these problems. The Conservative Party supported the restoration of economic and commercial associations with the Russian people. However, the country needed to restore their credit and prepare the British industry to dominate foreign trade. The Conservative Party Minister decided to inform parliament to amend a treaty that made the British to guarantee credit to a government whose ideologies reject
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Amway Design Advertising Marketing Essay
Amway Design Advertising Marketing Essay Introduction Amway was founded in 1959 by two entrepreneurs Jay Van Andel and Richard DeVos. Amway is a direct selling company based in Ada, Michigan, United States. It is the world largest direct selling company and manufacturer that uses network marketing business model. The company is selling a range of products, mainly in fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) and also a range of other products. Its products lines include home care products, personal care products, jewellery, electronics, Nutrilite dietary supplements, water purifiers, air purifiers, insurance and cosmetics. Figure 1: Logo of Amway Source: Figure 2: Jay Van Andel Richard DeVos source: Figure 3: Multi level marketing source: stock image Although Amway adapts its business model slightly different from market to market however the main marketing strategy still involve the combination of direct selling with a multi-level marketing strategy. Direct selling defined by Belch as the direct personal presentation, demonstration, and sale of products and services to consumers, generally in their homes or at their jobs (Belch 2006). Besides multi-level marketing also called in different ways by different scholars network marketing (Pratt, Rosa, Josà © 2003) (Cahn, 2006), direct selling (Merilee, 1999), referral marketing (Higgs; Smith, 2007). The distributors under the company as an agent will get rewards for selling products and for sponsoring others who do the same. The bigger of the agent business grows will have the same affect on the rewards. According to the official website of Amway, it conducts business through a number of affiliated companies in more than ninety countries and territories around the world (Amway UK 2009). It is ranked by Forbes online source business, financial news and analysis as one of the largest private companies in the United States in the year of 2008 (Forbes 2008) and by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu as one of the largest retailers in the world. The vision of Amway Company is we work each and every day to help people live better lives. We achieve our vision by helping people everywhere discover their potential and achieve their goals by offering better products and opportunities for the future, and by sharing generously with the global community (Amway 2009). Amway business model is based on the Amway Business Owner Compensation Plan can be descript as a low-risk, low-cost business opportunity that is open to everyone (Amway 2009). Following paragraphs will evaluate the key strategic factors that have generated success for this business and also being a successful entrepreneurial venture. The concept of entrepreneurship can be divided in to five divisions begin with entrepreneur traits, creativity, innovation, business planning and growth management (Davison, 2006). These five concepts are the characteristics of an entrepreneur and the business. Key strategic success factors is the combination from all division of the business, different areas of Amway will be discussed on how it is a successful business. Key strategy success factors There are differences to describe and displayed by entrepreneurs. According to Cunningham and Lischeron (1991) characteristics of an entrepreneur can be divided in to six schools of thought. The founders of Amway Jay Van Andel and Richard DeVos portray as the psychological characteristics school. The Psychological Characteristics School of entrepreneurship views entrepreneurs as individuals with unique values, beliefs, attitudes and needs which drive them and differentiate them from non-entrepreneurs (Cunningham and Lischeron, 1991). Two founders of Amway started the business by involve themselves in a similar multilevel marketing organisation Nutrilite Products Corporation as the distributors. Further on with the strong human network that they have and formed The American Way Association business to able them to expend their business and also look for additional products to market. When the business growths stronger there take over different companies and also have their ow n manufacturers. The business keeps on growing with the multilevel marketing system in different countries. They believe in the values that the business can bring to them and have the attitudes that driven them to become successful entrepreneurs. The ability of creativity and innovation will become an advantages for entrepreneur in differentiate their business with others. Schumpeter (1934) mention that entrepreneurship is the realisation of new factor combinations also can be understood as innovation in business. He point out that it is about new products, new services, new raw material sources, new production methods, new markets, new forms of organization. Amway committed themselves into innovation and research. The company has produced more than 800 patents granted and more than 600 patents pending. Throughout the year Amway company has been recognized in their business performance that includes manufacturing excellence, environmental concern, and commitment to safety and health (Amway global, 2010). Figure 4: Basic design school model, Mintzberg 2000 Figure 5: Products range Figure 6 : Amways supply Chain Business plan is the first stage for a business; basic design school model (Mintzberg 2000) is a great model to evaluate a business plan. In the initial stage of the model by looking into the external appraisal this is to examine the external elements influences the entrepreneurs strategy option. There is a huge demand on the FMCG, commodities and also dietary supplements market that with the customer groups from all levels and ages. Although there are lot of big players in this sector, but with the unique multilevel marketing approach it became a strong competitive company. Threats and opportunities in the environment is one of the important element is the Basic design school model. The threats and opportunities of Amway will be explained as an entrepreneurial point of view. Begin by presenting the first opportunity of the business; from a lager scope China and India are the two countries that with a large scale of market share. From a larger scale the opportunity that the company gains as China remains the core opportunity with the huge market. In the year 1998 Amway was one of the direct selling company that banned by government of China to operate in the country. However in December 2006 Amway was one of the first companies to receive a license to resume direct sales by chinas ministry of commerce. The rules and regulation that keep on changing by different countries will bring both threats and opportunities time by time. Second from a smaller scale based on recent economic recession has presented Amway with an opportunity to increase their income as its Independent Business Operators (IBOs) through their Amway sales at the same time it also provide an opportunity for individual to recruit new IBOs to join the business to be the same in this economic situation. Besides opportunities there are also threats to be considered as an entrepreneur. In a weak economic with high unemployment there will be an increase in the recruitment in the new IBOs however this is still subject to weak retail sales. Somehow the IBOs may turn away from Amway when they are unable to generate sufficient revenue. The big players in the FMCG market such as PG and LOreal consolidated share by acquisition over the review period, and the competitive environment for Amway became more aggressive. Besides With recent consolidation among standard distributed VDS brands. Amway is facing increasing competition from non-direct sellers (Euromonitor International, 2009). The key success factors in the marketing of Amway that act as the most important method to generate the rapid grow of the company. In most of the countries with the Amway business, the company will provide support for it IBOs. Because of the nature of MLM, the number of IBOs of Amway will be multiplied in a short period of time. Through the support from the company, it will provide training and educating system about Amway business. The purpose is to persuade them to follow the philosophy regards to the method of performing in the business. Besides, there are also materials to support the business for example information in CD, books and events to promote the business and also as a motivation factor. The first point is about Amway have a group of loyalty consumer that are the group of distributors. IBOs of the company with the concept of building up their business and intend to buy and use the products themselves. The group of IBOs will be influenced to a great extent by the community as well as they are constantly encouraged to try the product in advance, before selling it with a better understanding and knowledge of the new products (Wotruba, 1990). Second point a strong word of mouth created around the Amway community and this will influence friends and relative of the consumer, the IBOs expected to have the similar influences of sharing tastes and interests (Chen et al 1998). The recommendations from the opinion leader would be trusted and acceptable. Following with the judgments of the product, the quality of the product has been acknowledges to be with high standard. Specific support and training from the supplier and products manual builds positive perception and confident of the products. The price of the products is consider expensive, however the high prices are justified on the basis of quality and the usage which involves lower cost compare with products from other company with the similar function ability. Aggressive on New products launch and promotions from time to time by the company has generated increase in sales for the company. The promotion will give the IBOs to push the products out to the market to gain the benefits from it. A new launch of products will provide the IBOs with new opportunity to introduce it to their customers. One of the big different between the conventional business like PG compare with Amway is, Amway did not need to spend huge among of money to invest in the distribution channels and the mass advertising. These give the company an advantage in the spread of advertising and marketing cost over the volume, this result in a lower unit cost and more competitive prices. The strength of the company came from a strong presence in the emerging markets, notably China, Russia and India, Amway is well positioned to benefit from the strong growth anticipated in these markets over the 2008- 2013 period. (Euromonitor International, 2009) On the other hand, the weakness of the company is because direct sales has a poor image in Western markets. Amway has been accused in the past of failing to support its IBOs. While the company has defended itself against these claims, damage has been done to its reputation. Figure 7 : Logo of OneBYOne campaign Figure 8: Logo of unicef Amway practices a strong social responsibility and it recognise as being a good corporate citizen. Amway has a global campaign to help children named OneBYOne. The campaign illustrates the idea of making a difference in childrens lives one step at a time and it is part of an umbrella cause to improve the wellbeing of children worldwide (The Time 100, 2010). In the European part Amway Europe has work together with the United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF), to support the global champion for childrens right. It recognises the importance of building good working relationships with UNICEFs National Committees in each market in order to rollout fundraising programmes to Amways IBOs and their customers. (The Time 100, 2010) Figure 9 : Economies of scale spreading costs in advertising Figure 10 : Growth Stages Churchill and Lewis (1992) Entrepreneurs business growth can be explained into five stages of existence, survival, success, take off, and maturity (Churchill and Lewis, 1992). As a whole the Amway business is in a maturity stage, with the long history of the cooperation and also business worldwide. However because of the unique business approach, business will repeat the process of business growth in newly opened market. The consistency performance of the Amway business will lead the company to maintain in the business stability in the maturity stage. Conclusion After discussion, explanation and evaluation about the direct selling company from different perspectives in entrepreneurial, business, marketing and social responsibility. All these elements have sum up and became the key strategic factors that have generated success for the Amway Company. Entrepreneurship is a process that keeps on developing,x different challenges will come a head in the future and the entrepreneur will need to be prepared to face the challenges.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Epic of Gilgamesh :: essays research papers
The Change in Gilgamesh      Ever since the beginning of time, man has learned to mature by trials and tribulations. In the beginning of The Epic of Gilgamesh, the protagonist Gilgamesh appears to be an arrogant person who only cares about himself. He abuses all his powers and takes advantage of people with his physical abilities. Basically in the beginning he thinks that no one on earth is better than him. However, just like all epic poems, the protagonist encounters many challenges that make him a better person. So as the story progresses Gilgamesh slowly starts to change his personality. Various events help transform this tyrant to a humble person.      In the beginning of the book, Gilgamesh appears to be selfish. Gilgamesh’s â€Å"arrogance has no bounds by day or night†(62). Even though he is created by the Gods to be perfect, he misuses his powers and gifts for his own earthly pleasure. He has sexual intercourse with all the virgins of his city even if they are already engaged. Through all Gilgamesh’s imperfections and faults, he learns to change his amoral personality. The friendship of Enkidu helped to change his ways, for only Enkidu, who â€Å"is the strongest of wild creatures,†(66) is a match for Gilgamesh. Through this companionship with Enkidu, Gilgamesh starts to realize his incapabilities and need for his friend. When they fight Humbaba, they both give moral support to each other when the other is scared. Another event that changes Gilgamesh’s character is the death of Enkidu. When Enkidu dies, Gilgamesh goes through the suffering of losing a loved one. Gilgamesh experiences a pain, which no worldly pleasure can ease. By this experience Gilgamesh starts to understand his vulnerability toward death and pain. Losing his best friend causes Gilgamesh to be melancholic. At this point Gilgamesh is humbled by the fact that even he could not escape the wrath of death. Gilgamesh goes from this arrogant king to a lonely grieving person with fear of death in his heart.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Edmund Emil Kemper III: A Case Study
Edmund Emil Kemper III was born on December 18, 1948, in Burbank, California to Clarnell and Ed Kemper Jr. He was the only son of the family. Edmund's childhood was anything but normal. While most other little boys were playing games pretending they were super heroes, Edmund was pretending he was in a gas chamber and his sister was throwing the switch. Once the switch was thrown he would wiggle around on the floor as if he were dying of asphyxiation. Edmund also enjoyed cutting the heads and hands off of his sisters' new dolls. He had trouble relating to his peers because he was afraid of them, afraid of any intimate contact between himself and another. During his childhood years, Edmund also found it amusing to torture the family cats. He buried the first cat up to its neck then kept the severed head as a trophy. His mother replaced the cat. With the new cat Edmund decided to continue his torturing spree by cutting it with a machete, exposing its brains and dissecting the body. These ants resulted in numerous pieces of trophies for him to keep. Until his mother discovered them in his closet. From this point on is when his mother truly began to express her opinions of him as having a â€Å"weirdo†personality. lf his home life was not weird enough, Edmund had a crush on his second grade teacher, Whom his sisters teased him about relentlessly. With this crush developed fantasies of killing his second grade teacher. Edmund's reply to his sister's teasing was, â€Å"If I kiss her, l'd have to kill her first. †On numerous occasions Edmund visited her house with his father's bayonet and his fantasies. With Edmund's home life already a rough one and the fantasies of killing already in his head, the news of his parents divorce did not sit well. His parents fought constantly leaving Edmund, now age 9, to bounce back and forth between them. After his mother became fed up with him she sent him to live with his father, Ed Jr. , and his stepmother. However, this did not last long before he was sent to live with his paternal grandparents at the age of thirteen in rural North Folk, Ca. Edmund did not get along with his grandparents any better than he did with his mother or father. In fact, Edmund lasted with them until August 27, 1964, at age fourteen, when he shot his grandmother in the back of the head with a . 2 caliber rifle after an argument. He later stabbed her lifeless body numerous times with a kitchen knife, and then he shot his grandfather as he returned home. He called his mother and told her what had happened and waited patiently for her and the police to arrive. Once the police arrived and they questioned him about what had happened, Edmund's only response was, â€Å"I just wondered how it would feel to shoot grandma. †Edmund later explained that grandpa was shot out of mercy, a way to spare him from the discovery of his wife. As a punishment for the murder of his grandparents, the courts sentenced Edmund to Atascadero State Hospital where he was placed in the criminally insane unit. Atascadero State Hospital is an all-male, maximum security, forensic facility serving the entire state of California. Upon entering the facility the psychiatrists there examined and tested Edmund's level of intelligence and came up with the findings that he had an IQ of about 145 and possessed the personality disordered titled personality trait disturbance, passive-aggressive type. While in ASH Edmund became such a model inmate that the doctors trained Edmund in how to administer the tests. Knowing how the tests worked allowed Edmund to learn ways in which to provide the doctors with appropriate responses that would pave the way for him to be later deemed no longer a danger to society. Once Edmund passed the tests, he was released back into the world under his mother's care. Now age twenty-one, Edmund returned to his mother's house and fell right back into the tormented ways. Edmund's mother blamed him for everything. She would repeatedly yell at him that it was his fault she had not been with a man for a number of years. With Edmund's new found way of life, he decided he would try to find work. His mother saw how intent he was on getting a job so she tried to have his juvenile records sealed. He first worked at a Green Giant canning plant as a laborer before he applied with the State Division of Highways in 1971; a job that would allow Edmund to hang out with law enforcement. He tried hard to get a job in law enforcement but was rejected due to his large size, of six foot nine inches, and weighing almost 300 pounds. But his new found friends supplied him with handcuffs, a training badge and gun. Part of Edmund's release agreement was to visit with a psychologist regularly. Edmund did this, however as he began to get close with the police officers, and attend his weekly sessions, he began training himself for his next kill. That is he would pick up hitchhikers and provide them with the necessary ride, putting on the â€Å"gentle giant†charade so as to provide a sense of genuine sincerity for those whom he picked up. This manipulation and control over the situation are primary talents of this psychopathic serial killer. Edmund's first kill did not happen until May of 1972, in which he picked up two college women, Mary Anne Pesce and Anita Luchessa, on a freeway ramp. Edmund knew the area so well that he was able to get the car turned around without the girls having any clue that their direction had changed. Edmund then drove to a remote area he learned about from his interaction with the highway department. Upon arriving to the area, Edmund handcuffed Pesce in the backseat and placed Luchessa in the trunk of the car. Edmund returned to Pesce and placed a plastic bag over head, and tied it on with the belt of a bathrobe. However, the belt broke and Pesce had managed to bite through the bag, so Edmund drew his knife and began stabbing her inthe back. These stabbings did not seem to have any effect on her because she was still wiggling around and fighting back. Then Edmund grabbed her by the chin, pulled back her head, and slit her throat. After killing Pesce, Edmund went back to the trunk and began stabbing Luchessa repeatedly in the throat, eyes, heart and forearms. Now that these women were dead, he took them back to his apartment where he dissected their bodies, took Polaroid pictures, and cut off their heads. I remember there was actually a sexual thrill. You hear that little â€Å"pop' and pull their heads off and hold their heads up by the hair. Whipping their heads off their body sitting there. That'd get me off†(Vronsky). Edmund took the remainder of the two women and put them into plastic bags, of which he buried in the Santa Cruz hills, their torsos and limbs in one area, their hands in another. All the while disguising the burial ground with techniques he had learned as a Boy Scout. With the excitement of the killing behind him, Edmund began to return to his normal routine of attending bars filled with law enforcement personnel. All the while he was attending these local gatherings; he was remaining one step ahead of all clues about the cases. In September 1972, Edmund struck again, only this time it was a fifteen year old girl, Aiko Koo, on her way to dance class in San Francisco. Edmund took her to a remote location where he strangled her into unconsciousness, raped her, and then placed her body in the trunk of his car. On his way home however, he stopped off for a beer. When he returned to his car he opened the trunk and, admiring my catch like a fisherman's looked in at the little girl. The next day Edmund buried the body in his typical fashion, but kept her head. With the head of Koo in the trunk of his car he drove to the psychiatrist's office for his regularly scheduled appointment. While at the appointment, the psychiatrist is quoted as saying, â€Å"If I were seeing this patient without any history available or without getting the history from him, I would think that we're dealing with a very well adjusted young man who had initiative, intelligence and who was free of any psychiatric illness†¦ In effect, we are dealing with two different people when we talk of the 15 year old boy who committed the murder and of the 23 year old man we see before us now. . . it is my opinion that he has made a very excellent response to the years of treatment and rehabilitation. . . †(Vronsky). No one knows for sure what the psychiatrists would have said that day if they had known of the head in Edmund's trunk. After living on his own for a while, Edmund decided to move back home with his domineering mother. Since the last killing in September Edmund was doing well, that is until he picked up college student Cindy Schall. Edmund shot Schall in the head and brought her body back to his mother's house, and when she wasn't looking he carried her up to his room and put her in his closet. The next day while his mother was at work Edmund took the corpse to bed and had sex with it. After this he drained the body of blood in his mother's bathtub, cut the body into pieces, bagged them and threw them off of a cliff. He kept the head, this time repeatedly having sex with it. When he grew tired of the head Edmund buried it in the backyard facing up towards his mother's bedroom window. The local university at this time had gotten word of a string of unsolved murders and warned its students not to take rides from strangers. Lucky for Edmund his mother worked at the university and frequently needed him to pick her up, so he ended up with a decal for the university to allow for his easy access. His mother was well liked, respected, and known for her kindness at the university. Edmund used the decal on his car to pick up two more unsuspecting college women. He then took these women back to his mother's house where he decapitated one of them in the trunk of his car. Later that night while his mother was sleeping he carried the headless body up to his room. Edmund has been quoted as saying, in â€Å"†¦ the head is where everything is at, the brain, eyes, mouth. That's the person. I remember being told as a kid, you cut off the head and the body dies†¦. that's not quite true. With a girl, there is a lot left in the girl's body without the head. Of course, the personality is gone (Vronsky). Edmund went from the kill of the two college women until one fatal Easter weekend in 1973. On this weekend Edmund had finally conquered what had driven his hatred all these years, Edmund killed his mother. While his mother lay sleeping in her bed the night before Easter Sunday, Edmund went in with a claw hammer and smashed his mother's head in. Edmund then decided, what's good for my victims was good for my mother's He then proceeded to decapitate her, and raped her headless corpse. He then removed her larynx and tried to run it through the garbage disposal only to have it jam and spit the larynx back at him. Edmund later recalled to police as saying, â€Å"even when she was dead, she was still bitching at me. I couldn't get her to shut up. †This same evening Edmund called and invited his mother's best friend over for a â€Å"surprise†dinner party. Upon her arrival however, Edmund punched her, strangled her, and again cut off the head which he placed in his bed. He then slept in his mothers bed. The next day Edmund got in his car and began to drive aimlessly. He drove all the way from Santa Cruz, Ca. to Colorado. A11 the while listening to the radio hoping for some sort of news flash to come out of the killing he had just committed. But since no such thing happened, and he had grown tired of waiting, Edmund called the Santa Cruz police confessing to all of the crimes. They however, knowing Edmund as friend, did not believe him, forcing him to call several times before they took his word. Which then lead local authorities to his destination where he surrendered willingly. While awaiting trial, Edmund attempted twice to commit suicide by slashing his mists, and was soon transferred to a solitary cell. The trial itself was rather short – the evidence was there, and it showed clear premeditation. A1l of the psychiatrists asked, testified that Edmund was sane at the times he committed his crimes. Edmund was put into prison, where he calmed down and became a well-behaved inmate. At the trial he was asked what he thought would be an appropriate punishment for his actions, his response was â€Å"death by torture. †He was sentences to response was death by torturers He was sentenced to eight concurrent life-prison terms with possibility of parole. Edmund has been up for parole since 1980, but has been denied every time he's applied. Edmund Kemper is said to have been a egotistic lust killer. That is these people set out not with the interest to kill or hurt anyone, but with the intention of wearing your skin or eating your liver, or in the case of Edmund to have sex with your severed head and decapitated corpse. lts just that your life gets in the way of their fanta sy. In Edmund's instance he explained that the actual killing of each victim had little to do with his fantasies, he goes on to say, â€Å"but what I needed to have was a particular experience with person, and to possess them in the way I wanted to: I had to evict them from their human bodies. (Vronsky). When it comes to classifying Edmund as a psychopath, it can be done but in the broadest sense of a definition. A psychopath derives their tendencies from biological predispositions. Including, but not limited to faulty family enviro ends, aloof parents, and inconsistent rewards and punishments. In Edmund's life his parents w re never really there for him, they just shuffled him back and forth before finally sending him to live with extended family. The punishments were inconsistent because his mother locked him in his basement â€Å"bedroom†due to the fear felt by his sister even though he did nothing to provoke the fear. I believe more appropriately Edmund Kemper fits the definition of having a Homicidal Pattern Disorder. Which according to the future volume of the DSM will be defined as deliberate and purposeful murder or attempt at murder of strangers on more than one occasion; tension or affective arousal at some time before the arts; and pleasure, gratification, or relief in commission or reflection of the ants. In the end, I believe that all Edmund truly wanted was a woman's love. Something he wished for greatly, but was always an illusion, never attainable. It is clear what Edmund's purpose for killing these women was, the need to feel a close intimate connection with a member of the opposite sex, more specifically a connection between himself and his mother. Once this conquest was fulfilled, the intimate connection between him and his mother, Edmund willingly turned himself in because his mission was over.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Aplikasi Endnote
Contoh Aplikasi Software EndNotes Researches on value relevance of accounting information in Indonesia an d other developing countries generally suggested that accounting numbers are relevant to measure firm value (1, one author of journal). However, value relevance of accounting information in Asian countries are also found to fluctuate over time as a result of financial crisis, negative earnings, accounting scandals and violation of regulations in the capital market. These events have negatively affected value relevance of accounting information.Researches on value relevance of accounting information have continued to develop following such changes (2, three authors of journal) investigate the value relevance of book value and earnings between two different financial reporting regimes i. e. during MASB and FRS period in Malaysia. The result of the study suggests that book values are value relevant under both regimes but earnings are value relevant only during the MASB time period. That means that the change in financial reporting regime also affects significantly the value relevance of book value and but not earnings.Another study which investigates the value relevance between aggregated and disaggregated book value and earnings among Malaysian high-tech firms is performed by (3, three authors = 2). The result of the study shows that the explanatory power of both book value and earnings are fluctuating, book value is in a decreasing trend, while earnings show an increasing trend. In addition, the result also suggests that disaggregated book value and earnings could explain the variation in market value better than aggregated book value and earnings.The relationship between earnings management and value relevance of accounting information can also be explained through earnings quality. (4, two authors of book) argue that earnings management is associated to earnings quality. (5, single author of journal) also states that highly managed earnings have low qualit y. It means that earnings management actions will reduce earnings quality i. e. reliability of earnings. The relevance of accounting information in valuation of a firm can be affected by market’s insight of the reliability of the information (6, four authors of book series).This means earnings management actions negatively affect value relevance of earnings. Most of the studies on the relationship between earnings management and value relevance of accounting information are conducted in the West or developed countries. These studies attempted to examine earnings management using discretionary accruals (7, three authors of journal; 8, two author of journals; 9, single author of journal). Governance system plays an important role in the financial reporting process.As suggested by prior researches, rules and regulations formulated to protect investors are key institutional factors affecting the corporate policy choices (10, three authors of conference proceding; 11, two authors of journal). The researchers find that the protection level performed by institutions are associated with the usefulness of accrual-based accounting information. The level of protection imposed by the capital market supervisory agency plays a role in reducing the level of manipulation that can be conducted by managers and controlling shareholders through accruals transactions. Several international studies provide evidence on the association between earnings quality and the degree of protection to investors from the expropriation by controlling shareholders and managers. These studies assert that the characteristics of earnings are affected by the degree of investors’ protection (12, same aurhor with no 11 and 2). As an emerging capital market, many of the listed companies in Indonesia have evolved from the traditional family owned enterprises with highly concentrated ownership structure (13, single author of thesis).In the context where firms have a controlling block of shar es held by the major shareholders, the key agency problem is between the controlling (majority) and minority shareholders. The condition gives great opportunities for managers to engage in real earnings management especially in Indonesia. Under the condition of a highly concentrated ownership structure, it is argued that the controlling shareholders effectively possess greater control rights than the control rights provided through their voting shares as they are also involved in the management decisions (13, three authors of electronic article).Concentrated share ownership thus creates opportunities for controlling shareholders to expropriate the resources of an entity. Expropriation is a process of using one's control rights to maximize their welfare through the distribution of wealth from others to him (14, four authors of book series). Expropriation is one of the earnings management tactics conducted by management for the benefit of the controlling shareholders. Furthermore, (15 , same authors with no 14) state that the monitoring function will be hard if managers are part of the majority shareholders when their ownership increases to a certain level.If one’s voting shares have reached a certain threshold, then he/she can have a full control and tend to steer the company to accomplish his/her personal objectives (16, two authors of journal). In addition, it is also argued that to engage in expropriation in countries that adheres to the civil law is easier as compared to countries which practise common law legal system (17, three authors of journal; 18, two authors of journal).Under the Common Law system, accounting standards and policies are more stringent and protection of the rights of shareholders and creditors is greater with the implementation of various contract system (19, three authors of book series). It is perceived that a country like Indonesia which has its legal tradition originated from the civil law has relatively weaker development in its capital market and various financial institutions as compared to those countries which have legal environment rooted from the Common Law system.The evidence is consistent with study conducted by (20, same authors with no 19). On the contrary, The German’s companies with principle-based accounting standards would prefer to perform accrual earnings management because lenient standards still allow the conduct of accrual earnings management whichis less costly. The findings are in line with (21, same authors with no 17) which found that accounting standards which are more stringent (tighter) is able to reduce the practice of accrual earnings management, but triger real earnings management.
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